dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified trade in goods with Africa NOTE: All figures are in millions of U
trade in goods with Africa NOTE: All figures are in millions of U Details may not equal totals due to rounding

Mobile App Monetization

Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.

ترتيب فئات الارقام (مليون/تريليون/بليون)
Month Exports Imports Balance January 1999 817
السمنة حول العالم
Table reflects only those months for which there was trade
قتل مغربي بدون مأوى بإلقائه في جسر نهر الرون بليون بفرنسا
Table reflects only those months for which there was trade
Month Exports Imports Balance January 2018 1,768 Month Exports Imports Balance January 2013 2,483
dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified

Mobile App Monetization

Month Exports Imports Balance January 2012 2,269.

Details may not equal totals due to rounding
الفرق بين البليون والمليار..... تعرف على الفرق بين البليون والمليار l
Table reflects only those months for which there was trade
قتل مغربي بدون مأوى بإلقائه في جسر نهر الرون بليون بفرنسا
dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified