It was clearly a matter of great pride for both Tadamoun and the local authorities and was equipped with impressive offices for the administrators and classrooms equipped with brand new rows of desks and vast blackboards The dispensary is deserted and locked, but expensive health equipment and medicines lie abandoned
But for the purposes of the present statement, I would like to highlight six issues There seems to be no reason to accept, as suggested by some Government officials, that any higher amount would encourage indolence and dependence

وزارة الاقتصاد والتخطيط (السعودية)

Annex: Details of the Mission The Special Rapporteur visited Mauritania from 2 to 11 May 2016 at the invitation of the Government.

To better understand the introduction of the Social Registry and the cash transfer program, I spoke to a range of relevant actors about the project, including the Minister of Economy and Finance and social protection experts at that Ministry, the Director-General of Tadamoun, as well as the World Bank and UNICEF
وزارة الاقتصاد والتخطيط (السعودية)
Despite these obvious shortcomings in a program that was originally only set up as a temporary emergency measure, the Emel program is now in its sixth year and a significant number of Mauritanians have come to rely on this network of more than 1,000 boutiques
مكتب معالي الوزير
Women are particularly affected by the virtual total absence of pre-natal and post-natal care
None of this is to suggest that the cash transfer program is per se problematic In the same year, the under-five child mortality rate was 84
Third, selected households are asked to fill out a questionnaire to filter out households that are not considered poor proxy-means test But World Bank data indicate that the rate was as high as 655 in 2013 and that it was 602 in 2015

قانون رقم 00

Currently, it is not foreseen to make the cash transfers conditional on the recipient meeting significant requirements such as enrolling children in school or participating in vaccination programs.

But in a multilingual state, in which many people do not speak the official language, it is incumbent upon the government to adopt reasonable flexibility rather than insisting that communications be in Arabic
مجلس الوزراء
Introduction This statement marks the conclusion of a ten-day visit to Mauritania at the invitation of the Government
Director General Dr Walid Ammar CV
The repetition of such an implausible claim might reasonably be taken as evidence of the contrary
But for the purposes of the present statement, I would like to highlight six issues A State is fully entitled to designate a single official language, as Mauritania has done with Arabic
c The need for a more concerted effort to eliminate extreme poverty The Government rightly points to important decreases in poverty rates and to significant urban development initiatives to highlight its achievements in this area This seems especially difficult to defend in a society in which virtually every person outside of government to whom I spoke suggested that most things in Mauritanian society, and above all in politics, are decided on the basis of ethnic considerations

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​الشؤون القانونية

Unfortunately, since the program had been fixed long before this offer was made, it only proved possible to visit one such project.

But it is not at all clear whether such a grandiose school is viable in key respects such as the availability of teachers, the money required for upkeep, and the possibility of ensuring adequate water supplies and toilets
القانون الأساسي المعدل
When asked about the composition of the agency, and whether it sought to achieve any sort of balance of ethnic groups amongst its staff, the Director-General replied adamantly that such an approach was unthinkable
مكتب معالي الوزير
But these gains must be seen also in light of the continuing grim realities