The Making of The Bahamas: A History for Schools Masters of Paradise, New Brunswick and London, Transaction Publishers, 1998
Dodge, Steve, Robert McIntire, and Dean Collinwood Roland Symonette Park in district commemorating Sir , the Bahamas' first


The Bahamas Between Worlds, White Sound Press, 1989.

السياحة في جزر البهاما
, Black Seminoles in the Bahamas, Gainesville: University of Florida, 2002• Craton, Michael and Saunders, Gail
أهم المعلومات و الاماكن السياحية في جزر البهاما 2021
1 January 1945 : 33—46
اين تقع جزر البهاما وكيفية السفر الى جزر البهاما
Collinwood, Dean, and Rick Phillips, "The National Literature of the New Bahamas," Weber Studies, Vol
"Problems of Research and Training in Small Islands with a Social Science Faculty," in Social Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO, No The Colonization of The Bahamas, 1647—1670, The William and Mary Quarterly 2 no
The Compleat Guide to Nassau, White Sound Press, 1987 Race Relations in the Bahamas, 1784—1834: The Nonviolent Transformation from a Slave to a Free Society, Fayetteville: , 2000

جزر البهاما : افضل 4 مدن سياحية في جزر البهاماس

The Bahamas from Slavery to Servitude, 1783—1933.

السياحة في جزر البهاما
Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People
اين تقع جزر البهاما وكيفية السفر الى جزر البهاما
Evangelical Association of the Caribbean
💐 زهرة التسليم جزر البهاما
"The Bahamas," in The Whole World Handbook 1992—1995, 12th ed