Boldizzoni, Means and Ends: The Idea of Capital in the West 1500-1970, Palgrave Macmillan 2008, pp Sisson, English Poetry 1900-1950 1981 p
The Challenge of Global Capitalism : The World Economy in the 21st Century " London; Thousand Oaks, CA; New Delhi

النفقات الرأسمالية

Edinburgh University Press, 1999, p.

" : "The prolongation of the working-day beyond the point at which the laborer would have produced just an equivalent for the value of his labor-power, and the appropriation of that surplus-labor by capital, this is the production of absolute surplus-value
تعريف الرأسمالية وانواعها
Chapter 16: "Absolute and Relative Surplus-Value
النفقات الرأسمالية
Munck, Globalization and Labour 2011 p
Sampson, Anatomy of Britain Today 1969 p Their decision making is coordinated by the market, which provides the necessary information
Thomas Palley, From Financial Crisis to Stagnation 2012 p 3, Ecuador, Part 1: Politics and Rural Issues May, 1997 , pp

رأسمالية مالية

Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.

مصلحة الجمارك المصرية
A Voight, Unto Caesar 1938 p
مقارنة بين الرأسمالية والإشتراكية
; Rosser, J Barkley 23 July 2003
رأسمالية مالية
Frederic Jameson, 'Culture and Finance Capital', in The Jameson Reader 2005 p