Our first stop will be the Indian Corner and a visit to the Palestinian Indian community of Jerusalem, where we will see their old guesthouse and beautiful Mamluk period construction Meeting Point: Jerusalem Hotel, Nablus Road, Jerusalem Date and Time: 23th of April, 10 AM to 1 PM Duration: 3 hours A discovery of the social identity of Jerusalem and its diverse communities
- After a short tour within the Church, we continue towards the Assyrian community and then on to the Armenian quarter where the tour finishes -From there we continue towards the Afghani Community and see the Sufi Mosque of the Afghanis which is one of the many Sufi landmarks inside the Old City

Maria2727 حبيبتي دخلي الله اسكم سعدك ندعيليك ليل أو نهار

A path that takes you to a privileged encounter with the Palestinian population of Jerusalem.

صحة حديث : « ‏اثنتي عشرة ركعة تُصلَّيْن من ليل أو نهار ... »
Our first stop will be Tankizieh School which dates back the 14th century
لا تمنعوا أحداًَ طاف بهذا البيت وصلى أية ساعة شاء من ليل أو نهار : الحمد لله
Finally, we pass by the Al-Aytam School which dates back to the 16th century
ظلّي يلاحقني ليل نهار
- From here we continue into Khan Al-Zeit market Souq which is one of the ancient markets in the Old City also known as the Cardo Maximus of Hedrion
- Then we continue towards the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and walk along part of the Way of Sorrows Via Dolorosa visiting the last seven Stations of the Cross Understand the Cultural Background of Jerusalem
Get to know the historical development of education in Jerusalem over the centuries, especially throughout the 14th and 15th centuries, where educational development was at its peak

معنى AM و معنى PM وما هو الفرق بينها AM صباحاً و PM مساءً مع أمثلة

-A final attraction inside the Muslim Quarter will be short stops at some of the Old Schools Madaares within the area to learn about the educational systems between the 14th and 16th centuries.

Maria2727 حبيبتي دخلي الله اسكم سعدك ندعيليك ليل أو نهار
- Within the area we will pass by the ancient Water Sabeels which used to carry water into the Old City, before continuing the visit with the Coptic Community, -Before exiting the Muslim Quarter, we will learn about the Islamic Quarter in general and the Haram Al-Shareef and Dome of the Rock in particular
ظلّي يلاحقني ليل نهار
From there we continue towards the Al-Khatounihey School, which also dates to the 14th century
معنى AM و معنى PM وما هو الفرق بينها AM صباحاً و PM مساءً مع أمثلة