So the Quraysh were people who transgressed, therefore this is an occasion of certainty, not doubt He is implying that the work is so impossibly strenuous, that it makes outrageous things, like the earth stopping from spinning, seem completely possible
So here we have just mentioned 3 popular anomalies

ما هي ادوات الشرط

The idea here is to show that given all the signs Allah has shown them, it is pretty impossible to remain transgressing.

أسلوب الشرط
You are admonishing the son
ما هي ادوات الشرط
So not only has Allah having a son been restricted to the realm of the hypothetical, but the listener has been rendered completely speechless because we have covered all scenarios, possible and impossible
ما هي أدوات الشرط الجازمة
Some are particles and some are isms
Conditionals are primarily associated to predicates All of this is designed to exaggerate the level of work, by associating it with another impossible phenomenon
If we do know whether the event is going to happen or not, i And what rhetorical benefits it yields

أداة شرط

Like destroy the world for example.

ادوات الشرط
Clearly chances are that the earth is still going to be spinning tomorrow
تعرف على أدوات الشرط الجازمة وإعرابها فى 5 نقاط
In more formal terminology you can call the condition the protasis, and you can call the consequence the apodosis
انواع ادوات الشرط مع الامثلة
For example: Allah says: So Allah having a son is an impossibility, let alone a doubtful matter