Hassan NAGM, Gunaid AA, El Khally FMY, Murray-Lyon IM Giannini AJ, Miller NS, Turner CE 1992
Oesophageal and gastric carcinoma in the Republic of Yemen

ما هى اشهر علامات متعاطى مخدر القات ؟

Heymann TD, Bhupulan A, Zuriekat NEK, Bomanji J, Drinkwater C, Giles P.

علامات متعاطي القات
"Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse"
هل رهن البيت حلال ام حرام : الحمد لله
"Cathine, an amphetamine-related compound, acts on mammalian spermatozoa via beta1- and alpha2A-adrenergic receptors in a capacitation state-dependent manner"
القات ذكر في القرآن ؟ ادخل واستمع لهذا الحوار
"Les Cat's d'Arabie, d'Abyssinie et d'Afrique orientale"
Khat chewing and acute myocardial infarction Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995; 9: 81—83
The subjective effects of chewing qat leaves in human volunteers British Journal of Cancer 1995; 71: 409—410• Nutt D, King LA, Blakemore C 2007

علامات متعاطي القات

Adeoya-Osiguwa SA, Fraser LR 2007.

هل التأمل حرام ؟ ولماذا
Ahmed MB, el-Qirbi AB 1993
هل القات حرام إسلام ويب
Khat chewing delays gastric emptying of a semi-solid meal
زكاة القات
Gunaid AA, Sumairi AA, Shidrawi RG, Al-Hanaki A, Al-Haimi M, Al-Absi S, Al-Huribi MA, Qirbi AA, Al-Awlagi S, El-Guneid AM, Shousha S, Murray-Lyon IM