RealClear generates revenue through subscriptions and an online advertising model The article prompted this columnist to look into this matter further, and found — surprisingly — that Braun Research was not alone in making this oversight bias
JT utilizes his doctoral skills in applied research psychology to analyze the issues and personalities of the day utilizing his marketing and branding lens These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation

Real Clear Politics

Operating under the there are 14 RealClear websites that cover various platforms including , , , and more.

Time to Face Facts: Polls Biased Towards Democrats
In general, the majority of stories from Real Clear Politics come from a right-leaning perspective
Time to Face Facts: Polls Biased Towards Democrats
However, both sides are represented
Real Clear Politics
Overall, we rate Real Clear Politics as right-center biased based on source selection that leans right
The Facebook Page publishes , and information, many of which link back to RealClear properties John Tantillo is a marketing and branding expert, known as The Marketing Doctor
Most of the news content on Real Clear Politics is aggregated from other sources such as , , , , and In reviewing their political news and opinions, there are slightly more that is published from right-leaning sources


In penned by this columnist, "Questionable Polls May Shock the Midterms," poll reliability and validity were discussed — with reliability addressing the polls consistency over time and validity asking whether the poll is measuring what it says it measures.

Real Clear Politics
Today the good researcher, must be skeptical and ask whether "group think" or sloppy craftsmanship is to blame with this blatant but not necessarily consciously systematic error
Just use the sample of the latest Gallup Party Affiliation Poll in your sample
Time to Face Facts: Polls Biased Towards Democrats
In, "Fox News Pollster Braun Research Misrepresented Impeachment poll" Oct