"Effect of Ambient Air Pollution on Pulmonary Exacerbations and Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis" Schildcrout, Lianne Sheppard and Joel D
international law, international environmental law and policy series, Graham Trotman, London, 1998, P Washington, DC: US Environmental Protection Agency US EPA

طرق الحد من تلوث الهواء

The source of these data is the Carbon Monitoring for Action CARMA database produced by the• Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

العالم يواجه جائحة صامتة أخطر من أكثر الفيروسات: تلوث الهواء
Michael Kymisis, Konstantinos Hadjistavrou 2008
تلوث الهواء وأسبابه
تلوث الهواء وأسبابه
Fouladi Fard, Reza; Naddafi, K
2005BC Lung Association report on the valuation of health impacts from air quality in the Lower Fraser Valley airshed "The assessment of health impacts and external costs of natural gas-fired power plant of Qom"
The urban factor in chronic bronchitis

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