" Trimidhi Hadrat Abu Hurairah says that the HolyProphet said: 'Allah becomes angry with him who does not ask Him for anything Hadrat Jabir bin 'Abdullah says that the Holy Prophet said: "Whenever man prays to Allah, Allah either gives him the same which he prayed for, or prevents a calamity of the same degree from befalling him provided that he does not pray for a sin or for severing relations with the kindred
Pengertian ini disimpulkan dari ayat selanjutnya, yaitu, Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk dapat dibaca Sayadkhuluuna atau Sayudkhaluuna, menurut bacaan yang kedua artinya, mereka akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka Jahanam dalam keadaan hina dina" dalam keadaan terhina That is, even in matters which man feels are in his own power, he should invoke Allah's help for it before planning his own devices for it, for in no matter can man succeed only on the basis of his own devices without the help and succour of Allah, and praying before devising plans means that the servant is at all times acknowledging the supremacy of Allah and admitting his own helplessness

وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم

" Tirmidhi Another Hadith on the same subject has been reported by Hadrat Abu Said Khudri in which the Holy Prophet said: "Whenever a Muslim prays, unless it be a prayer far.

ما معنى وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم
" Tirmidhi Hadrat Ibn 'Umar and Hadrat Mu'adh bin Jabal state that the Holy Prophet said: "The prayer is in any case beneficial, both with respect to those calamities which have descended and with respect to those which have not yet descended
According to Hadrat Anas, the Holy Prophet said
(وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ)
Hadrat Ibn Mas'ud says that the Holy Prophet said: "Ask of Allah His bounty, because Allah likes that He should be asked
Had he not believed the other being to be an associate of Allah in the Divine attributes, he would never have even thought of invoking it for help And the one who is not in reality the possessor, will not be able to have any share whatever in the powers only because man has believed it to be possessing the powers Now, the fact of the matter is that the Being Who is all-Powerful, all-Hearing, All-Seeing, and Who is actually controlling the whole Universe is only Allah, and He alone is Possessor of alI powers and authority
And the real motive of prayer for man is the internal feeling that the natural means and resources of the material world are not enough to remove any of his troubles and to fulfil any of his needs, or are not proving to be enough, Therefore, it is inevitable that he should turn to a being who is possessor of supernatural powers and authority " This proves that fate or destiny is not something which

(وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ)

"Prayer is the marrow of worship.

Thirdly, the one who invokes others than AIlah behaves like the supplicant who takes his petition to a government office, but leaving aside the real officer who has authority, presents it before one of the other supplicants who may be present there with his petition, and then starts imploring him humbly, saying Sir, you possess all the powers, and yours is the only authority here; so, you alone can fulfil my needs
(13) من قوله تعالى {وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم} الآية 60 إلى قوله تعالى {هو الحي لا إله إلا هو} الآية 65
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na Mola wenu Mlezi anasema Niombeni nitakuitikieni Kwa hakika wale ambao wanajivuna na kuniabudu Mimi wataingia Jahannamu wadhalilike• " Tirmidhi In the light of the above, the enigma that often causes confusion in the minds is also resolved
After having known this truth about the prayer, it remains no longer difficult for man to understand that the one who invokes another than Allah for help, commits shirk absolutely and purely and clearly, for he believes those attributes to be belonging to the other being, which only belong to Allah