Hardy K, Buckley S, Collins MJ, Estalrrich A, Brothwell D, Copeland L, et al "Calculus removal and the prevention of its formation"
"Conodont Fauna of the Notch Peak Limestone Cambro-Ordovician , House Range, Utah" Roeser, Patricia; Franz, Sven O

الفرق بين الجبس والجير الفرق بين

Dewhirst FE, Chen T, Izard J, Paster BJ, Tanner AC, Yu WH, Lakshmanan A, Wade WG October 2010.

ماهو علاج جير الاسنان
Thorsten Jansson, Stora Alvaret, Lenanders Tryckeri, , 1999• "Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional textures"
ما هو نافخ الكير
"Lake-level changes, sedimentation and faunas in a Middle Devonian basin-margin fish bed"
ماهو علاج جير الاسنان
Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine
Jepsen S, Deschner J, Braun A, Schwarz F, Eberhard J February 2011 "Dental biofilms: difficult therapeutic targets"
"Structure and composition of organic reefs and carbonate mud mounds: concepts and categories" Ehrlich, Henry Lutz; Newman, Dianne K

جير الأسنان

Socransky SS, Haffajee AD 2002.

جير الأسنان الأسود: ما هو؟
"Starch granules, dental calculus and new perspectives on ancient diet"
حجر جيري
Soukos NS, Som S, Abernethy AD, Ruggiero K, Dunham J, Lee C, Doukas AG, Goodson JM April 2005
الفرق بين الجبس والجير الفرق بين
Evidence for food, cooking, and medicinal plants entrapped in dental calculus"