Folia Neuropathol, 42 Suppl A , 3-14 The nagaiyas share these diet restrictions in order to show their support
Sorcerers within a kinship group were originally seen as defenders of the village, but the Kuru epidemic caused this view to shift After being attacked, groups typically rounded up the able-bodied men amongst them and met the initiating group in the open field for battle

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If the hair wasn't found, then the child would die from illness.

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"Fore Narratives Through Time: How a Bush Spirit Became a Robber, Was Sent to Jail, Emerged as the Symbol of Eastern Highlands Province, and Never Left Home"
Mystical Journey 505
After this, singing and cheering would often ensue
Fore people
The area in which nokoti live ples masalai in Melanesian is considered sacred and should not be disturbed
A patrol officer, John R Canberra, Australia: Linguistic Circle of Canberra
The Fore people live in the : a mountainous region in south-eastern Language [ ] The Fore language is spoken in the Okapa District in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea

Mystical Journey 505

However, Shirley Lindenbaum and Robert Glasse were the first to formally publish the hypothesis that kuru spread through.

Mystical Journey 505
It is part of the East New Guinea Highlands Stock, and the Trans-New Guinea Phylum
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It was believed that women's wombs were best for containing the kwela
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[ ] They encouraged the people to give up village warfare, sorcery and cannibalism as well
For example, if a family with a child slept overnight in the ples masalai, the nokoti would steal and hide a lock of the child's hair Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Rest houses were present in the larger villages and separate men's houses remained only in the more isolated villages If a member of a tribe fell ill and displayed these symptoms, then sorcery was typically suspected

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Pigs were used as remuneration for fatalities, damaged crops, and damaged property.

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The area highlighted in red consists primarily of the land inhabited by the Fore people
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The Fore people believe that ailments and misfortunes stem from and , so naturally they scrambled to find the sorcerers responsible for kuru
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Often, pako had some sort of tie to both groups, and kept tallies of the deaths on both sides