"NED" published in pieces between 1888 and 1928 , An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English year 1921 by Priesner and Figala, entry on "Alkohol"• Some complexities surrounding the English word's history are discussed in and
The seaport of Genoa is the location of the earliest-known record in European languages, year 1157 Arabic Contributions to the English Language

كلمات عربية مشهورة جارَ عليها الزمن وأنصفها هؤلاء

Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references.

كلمات عربية (مؤسسة)
New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux
كلمات عربية فصحى نادرة
she had blue skin and so did he , he kept it hid and so did she , they searched for blue their whole life through , then passed right by and never knew
قائمة كلمات عربية دخيلة في الإنجليزية
"; but the OED suggests another Arabic derivation, from Sicilian marfusu 'scoundrel' , from Spanish marfuz 'traitor' from Arabic marfud 'outcast'
The Devil's Doctor : Paracelsus And The World Of Renaissance Magic And Science According to, 'Klein suggests ultimate derivation of the It
; so far certainly rooted in French gala, show - from Italian gala, finery Mulatto disputed etymology either from Spanish mulato, diminutive of 'mule' or Arabic Priesner, Claus and Figala, Karin

مفردات عربية ومعانيها

At the port of Marseille in the 1st half of the 13th century notarized commercial contracts have dozens of instances of Latin avariis ablative plural of avaria , as published in.

مفردات عربية ومعانيها
, in the time period just before the big transformation of the meaning: , , , ,
كلمات قصيرة وجميلة
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: , , , , , , , , by Raja Tazi year 1998 , a
كلمات عربية اصلها فرنسي , تعرف على الكلمات الفرنسيه التي يستخدمها العرب
word from Arabic tafriq "distribution