If you get lost on your way to the local library, ask someone for directions A large crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident
His behavior has been quite strange lately Luckily the little girl managed to get out of the burning building unharmed

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Ameer it recently started going to a gym exercise.

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Children should be educated from an early age to respect the environment
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The big football match between our school and the Rovers is next Sunday
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Kareem had studied hard so he was confident that he would do well in final exam
The student started cheering when their favourite teacher walked in Lack of determination causes people to fail to achieve their goals
All the visitors love it What exactly in the purpose of your business trip to Yemen? A: Which mobile phone is more expensive• There is a replica of the Eiffel tower in the museum

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Everyone commented on how nice the dinner was.

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Young people should be prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century
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Stop wasting time playing football and focus on your studies! I am really sorry it was not my intention to hurt you
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Visitors to the museum or requested not to touch any of the exhibits
A: What would you like with your sandwich? The hurricane was so powerful that it ripped off the roofs of most houses He sprained his ankle when he fell down the stairs and now, he is in real pain
He never admits he is wrong I am spending the evening at home we have guests tonight

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When you dive into the water make sure you are wearing your goggles.

حل جميع تمارين مادة اللغه الأنجليزيه((للصف الثاني ثانوي ))الفصل الدراسي الثاني
I always remove my shoes before entering my house
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Complete the sentences with the correct verb:• When I was a child, I used to love to feed the ducks in our garden pond
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I can tell from his Occent that he is a foreigner