hey what would u love about a place where people hardly buy stuff? There policy is if we have accessories, we should give them otherwise it is not mandatory | Jarir staff is very arrogant when if you go and seek after sales service |
The place have a view of electronics and books and some of them come to have a look on modern electronics | And very sweet if you are here to purchase! 17 February 2020 4:05 The employee in charge of STC wasn't there so I asked one of the other staff members and his answer was "maybe he comes, maybe he doesn't" |
Typically this store in cozy busy on Ramadan and festive days.
13I also a child with a rocket launcher and a goat being killed as a sacrifice to the Allah, no idea what that is | A few days later they called me saying sorry we cannot fo anything it's out of stock again |
-Stationery: Everytime I go I found better selection and very cute stuff in arts and crafts, but slightly more expensive than others places | Haddad and Axiom are the best |
this establishment is so childish.
-Books: It has just a "decent" collection of English books, but if you are looking for new stuff then go to Virgin Store | 15 February 2020 7:21 Hey, y'all ever come out here for actually buying books Like I've only bought other stuff n also just read some nonsensical books but I've rarely bought books is it just me? they should have more rules on decapitation on the streets, not cool |
I will never go to this store again | We can get all the mind blowing books and novels of Arabic |
Like u can get ur office supplies from here 28 November 2019 17:23 Bought a printer cartridge today.