He is a Rohingya from Western state of Burma, Arakan com; Ameen, summa Ameen y beautiful voice
May Allah give him and all muslims Jannah, Aamin Summa Aamin Abdullah Afghanistan AssalamulLahi alaikum Ayyuhal Ihwanul kiraam I also want my children to become just as respectable as you

القارئ عبد الولي الأركاني

at times I wish I could have such voice to please Almighty Allah with his unique quraan we accepted upon us as mankind.

عبد الولي الأركاني · صوتيات · القرآن المركزي
may Allaah Guide us all on the right path; and make our love for him Alone SUBHAANAHU WATA'AALAAH
القارئ عبد الولي الأركاني
May allah bless all of them in this world and hereafter
Abdul Wali Al Arkani
May Allah give jaza-e-khair to people of Assabile
Another positive thing is the quality of recording of all the Qaries is very clear and good He is a well-known and is currently the Imam of Khadem Al Haramein Al-Sharefein mosque in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
May Allah reward him and the entire Muslim Ummah with Jannatul Phirdausi He performed as an imam for the first time at the age of 13 at the mosque of Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Jamal in Meccah moving to other mosque within the same city before moving to Jeddah

عبد الولي الأركاني

Given his popularity, Shaykh Al Arkani was invited to perform in different mosques within and outside Saudi Arabia for he was officially invited by the Governor of the Emirate of Ajman from the UAE to perform imamate next to the prominent reciter.

قرآن كريم بصوت شيخ عبد الولي الأركاني بدون إعلانات for Android
Assalamu Alikom Wa Rahmatullah wabarakaatu!!! may peace and mercy of Allah be up on you and all Muslim brothers and sisters
عبد الولي الأركاني
I am a little suspicious as his last name exists Al Arakani which is similar name to a state of Western part of Burma
عبد الولي الأركاني · صوتيات · القرآن المركزي
Masha Allah jazakumullah khayran i am interested in ll but more of salah al budair ,abdulwali al arkani ,al-mohaiseesany and al matrood, O! Asslamualaikum He is one of my favourites, MashaAllah, his voice so awesome
Also i will try and be like you and pray more daily Allah Almighty bless you abundance dunya and aghirah Ameen
I also personally met him at Ajman UAE when he visited here and I saw he has very noble character I pray to My Allah that even when i'm dead and will be in grave, may the same voice be my guiding light in the darkness of the gravemay the same voice be my guiding light in the darkness of the grave

القارئ عبد الولي الأركاني

Please pray for my family to Allah by the same voice you read quran.

قرآن كريم بصوت شيخ عبد الولي الأركاني بدون إعلانات for Android
I pray to My Allah that even when i'm dead and will be in grave, may the same voice be my guiding light in the darkness of the grave
عبد الولي الأركاني · صوتيات · القرآن المركزي
We'll keep praying for your happiness and prosperity
عبد الولي الأركاني · صوتيات · القرآن المركزي
Another positive thing is the quality of recording of all the Qaries is very clear and good