was a daughter of , the King of The five-part song "Cassandra Gemini" may reference this syndrome, as well as the film or in 's "Cassandra Syndrome"
Individuals sometimes acquire the label of 'Cassandras', whose warnings of impending environmental disaster are disbelieved or mocked In her frightened, ego-less state, the Cassandra woman may blurt out what she sees, perhaps with the unconscious hope that others might be able to make some sense of it

المسلسلات المكسيكية واللاتينية القديمة الشهيرة

she may become increasingly irrational or hysterical.

مسلسل يعود للأذهان بفضل كورونا.. ما قصته؟
, Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication, p
مسلسل يعود للأذهان بفضل كورونا.. ما قصته؟
The Apollo archetype favors thinking over feeling, distance over closeness, objective assessment over subjective intuition
مسلسل يعود للأذهان بفضل كورونا.. ما قصته؟
103—123 in Success in Sight: Visioning 1998• , My Country Right or Left p
Only The Paranoid Survive 1999• In the words of Atkisson: "too often we watch helplessly, as Cassandra did, while the soldiers emerge from the Trojan horse just as foreseen and wreak their predicted havoc
being disbelieved when attempting to relate the facticity of these experiences to others , New Monologues For Women By Women — Vol II 2005• [ ] Environmental movement [ ] Many environmentalists have predicted looming environmental catastrophes including , rise in sea levels, irreversible , and an impending collapse of , including those of and

Cassandra (metaphor)

"both of them agreed to treat the Cassandra-like prophecies which Thiebault kept sending from Salamanca as 'wild and whirling words.

Jean Shinoda Bolen, Gods in Everyman: A New Psychology of Men's Lives and Loves pp
هل تذكرون بطلة مسلسل .. شاهدوا كيف أصبح شكلها
, Believing Cassandra: An Optimist Looks at a Pessimist's World, p
المسلسلات المكسيكية واللاتينية القديمة الشهيرة
" Of what she describes as the negative Apollonic influence, Dr