he is not going to the gym tonight Have they been doing — 7
are you calling — 10 She is always playing with that doll• Nabil is making pizza now

The Present Continuous المضارع المستمر

He has been driving for five hours.

جمل عن المضارع المستمر بالانجليزية present continuous
شرح قاعدة المضارع التام
have you been studying — 8
درس (3) قاعدة المضارع المستمر Doing
Is she agreeing with me? is he leaving — 4
They are eating dinner right now He is meeting his friends after school
I'm resitting my French exam on Tuesday• are they doing — 6 Is Sara playing tennis today? are you studying — 2

زمن المضارع المستمر في اللغة الانجليزية

you are not going to the meeting after work.

شرح زمن المضارع المستمر بالتفصيل present continuous مع 10 تمارين
have they been drinking — 10
شرح زمن المضارع المستمر present continuous بطريقة سهلة
Have I been talking — 5
شرح زمن المضارع المستمر present continuous بطريقة سهلة
Have we been eating — 6
Ali is eating dinner right now He is needing help now
They have been learning English for two years She is wanting a coffee

شرح زمن المضارع المستمر بالتفصيل present continuous مع 10 تمارين

Mohamed is talking on the phone at the moment.

شرح زمن المضارع المستمر بالتفصيل present continuous مع 10 تمارين
are you playing — 8
شرح قاعدة المضارع التام
Does she agree with me? We have been waiting for the bus for hours
جمل عن المضارع المستمر بالانجليزية present continuous
She has been working in this company for three years