﴾105﴿ Only they invent falsehood who believe not Allah's revelations, and only they are the liars Woeful indeed will be the lodging of the arrogant
﴾46﴿ Or that He will not seize them in their going to and fro so that there be no escape for them? evil is that which they bear! ﴾45﴿ Are they who plan ill-deeds then secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the doom will not come on them whence they know not? So of Me, Me only, be in awe So of Me, Me only, be in awe

القرآن الكريم/سورة النحل

﴾93﴿ Had Allah willed He could have made you all one nation, but He sendeth whom He will astray and guideth whom He will, and ye will indeed be asked of what ye used to do.

سورة النحل مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل
Will ye then fear any other than Allah? There is only One Allah
فوائد من سورة النحل
- and unto themselves what they desire; ﴾58﴿ When if one of them receiveth tidings of the birth of a female, his face remaineth darkened, and he is wroth inwardly
القرآن الكريم/سورة النحل
Most of them are ingrates
﴾11﴿ Therewith He causeth crops to grow for you, and the olive and the date-palm and grapes and all kinds of fruit ﴾80﴿ And Allah hath given you in your houses an abode, and hath given you also , of the hides of cattle, houses which ye find light to carry on the day of migration and on the day of pitching camp; and of their wool and their fur and their hair, caparison and comfort for a while
Then, when misfortune reacheth you, unto Him ye cry for help Then enjoy life while ye may , for ye will come to know

سورة النحل مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل

Even so did those before them.

فوائد سورة النحل وفضلها
Most of them are ingrates
قراءة سورة النحل
Nay, but it is a promise binding upon Him in truth, but most of mankind know not, ﴾39﴿ That He may explain unto them that wherein they differ, and that those who disbelieved may know that they were liars
قراءة سورة النحل
But if ye endure patiently, verily it is better for the patient
thy Lord - for those who do evil in ignorance and afterward repent and amend - lo! ﴾17﴿ Is He then Who createth as him who createth not? ﴾65﴿ Allah sendeth down water from the sky and therewith reviveth the earth after her death ﴾115﴿ He hath forbidden for you only carrion and blood and swineflesh and that which hath been immolated in the name of any other than Allah; but he who is driven thereto, neither craving nor transgressing, lo! ﴾85﴿ And when those who did wrong behold the doom, it will not be made light for them, nor will they be reprieved
﴾68﴿ And thy Lord inspired the bee, saying: Choose thou habitations in the hills and in the trees and in that which they thatch; ﴾69﴿ Then eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of thy Lord, made smooth for thee - and unto themselves what they desire; ﴾58﴿ When if one of them receiveth tidings of the birth of a female, his face remaineth darkened, and he is wroth inwardly

مقاصد سورة النحل

﴾70﴿ And Allah createth you, then causeth you to die, and among you is he who is brought back to the most abject stage of life, so that he knoweth nothing after having had knowledge.

سورة النحل مكتوبة بالرسم العثماني
He loveth not the proud
متن قرآن, سوره 16: النحل, آیه 1
Abraham was a nation obedient to Allah, by nature upright, and he was not of the idolaters; ﴾121﴿ Thankful for His bounties; He chose him and He guided him unto a straight path
القرآن الكريم/سورة النحل
but ye will indeed be asked concerning all that ye used to invent