He was hard on himself that way The use of literary devices is intended to bring richness and clarity to the text with different meanings
The above example is also an He considers it a very tricky poem

Robert Frost: “The Road Not Taken” by Katherine…

However, there is significance in the difference between what the speaker has just said of the two roads, and what he will say in the future.

The Road Not Taken (TV Episode 1992)
It is a frequently misunderstood poem, often read simply as a poem that champions the idea of "following your own path," but rather it expresses some regarding such an idea
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Robert Frost: The Ethics of Ambiguity
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
It is likely to give you a new appreciation for the destination, the people you'll meet, the things you'll see, while creating lasting memories
No actual date is provided for the event There are four beats per line, employing iambic tetrameter
The police believe it to be a drug overdose, but Richie insists his friend would never have done drugs The police believe it to be a drug overdose, but Richie insists his friend would never have done drugs

Robert Frost: “The Road Not Taken” by Katherine…

The expression of uncertainty about choices and our natural tendency to surmise about consequences we may have to face marks the central point of the poem.

Robert Frost: “The Road Not Taken” by Katherine…
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference
The Road Not Taken Bicycle Adventures
All of our bicycle tours are fully supported meaning we take care of the details including carefully selecting hotels, dining at restaurants that exhibit local cuisine, transport your luggage from point-to-point each day, and provide a vehicle should you need a rest from bicycling or a solution to get the wine and cheese you bought in town to your hotel for tonight
The Road Not Taken Bicycle Adventures
Duncan believes it to be the work of a potion developed by Kiem Sun, an immortal he once knew