who couldn't pronounce the word broccoli Chung-Jyi Tsai, Michael Leitzmann, Frank Hu and others 15-11-2004 , , American Journal of Epidemiology, Issue 10, Folder 160, Page 961-968
hero, hero sandwich n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc I wanted to say something but couldn't speak the words


Crispy bocconcini with tomato chilli sauce• grilled cheese sandwich US , toasted cheese sandwich, cheese toastie UK n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.

اسماء الخضروات بالانجليزي والعربي
poor boy, poor-boy sandwich, poorboy, po'boy n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
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قبل المتابعة
Beef carpaccio and asparagus rolls• The name Google originated from a misspelling of googol, which refers to the number represented by a 1 followed by one-hundred zeros
Jeeyoo Lee, Aesun Shin, Jae Oh and others 7-3-2018 , , Nutrition Journal, Issue 1, Folder 17, Page 37 Tricia Li, Aoife Brennan, Nicole Wedick and others 7-2009 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 7, Folder 139, Page 1338—1333
2-The mosque is a place of worship Chilli smoked salmon cob dip•

♣اسماء الاطعمه بلغه الانجليزيه♣

Potato, beef and chimichurri pintxos• Scallops with sweet corn puree, prosciutto and lemon butter• Carol Johnston, Amanda Buller 12-2005 , , Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Issue 12, Folder 105, Page 1939-1942.

♣اسماء الاطعمه بلغه الانجليزيه♣
Leek, mushroom and chicken pies• Any help would be appreciated
فول سوداني بالعسل
The host sandwiched me between two bankers at the dinner table and they just kept talking across me about investments
فُولٌ سُودَانِيّ translation in English
Candied tomatoes on basil leaves• And I can't pronounce the word tapdole