Annenberg donated it subsequently to the• 0 Flag 1958 2010 Jean-Christophe Castelli Steven A Alan Bond could not pay off the painting, and Irises was resold probably for somewhat less to the Getty Museum
One or both of the paintings may thus occur higher on this list

عشرين من أغلى اللوحات الفنية على الإطلاق

5 Willem de Kooning 1955 2006 David Geffen Steven A.

خبير: أغلى لوحة في العالم موجودة على يخت محمد بن سلمان
Gerlis, Melanie 12 Jan 2018
لوحة في لم يرسمها دافنشي بل مساعدوه حسب فيلم وثائقي
Kazakina, Katya February 18, 2016
أغلى 10 لوحات في العالم
Smith, Emily 20 May 2015
This is the small version of the painting; the large version is at Baker, Stepanie; Miller, Hugo 20 December 2017
Reyburn, Scott 11 May 2015 Baker, Stephanie April 27, 2015


0 Masterpiece 1962 2017 Agnes Gund Steven A.

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