I can always relate to his narrators they're all so sociable and happy with no problems whatsoever or some of his other characters The entire writing is superbly done that the reader feels that Dostoyevsky is telling your own story
Is that too little for the whole of man's life? This year I'm hoping to finally get around to reading The Brothers Karamazov so I'm not finished with ol' Dostoyevsky in '21 yet I am a dreamer; I have so little real life that I look upon such moments as this now, as so rare, that I cannot help going over such moments again in my dreams

الليالي البيضاء (كتاب إلكتروني)

Dostoyevsky had an exceptionally brilliant way to describe his characters, their inner processes, feelings, thoughts, and if you can relate to any of them, or find them remotely familiar, well my friend, you're stuck with them.

White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Only two minutes, and you've made me happy forever
رحلة مع دوستويفسكي في رواية
They continue to meet, only at night, and tell each other their life stories
White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Why, isn't that enough for a whole lifetime? The young man is thankful for the newly discovered companionship and proclaims: "Oh, bless you, bless you a thousand times, my dear, for not having turned away from me at first, for making it possible for me to say that for at least two evenings in my life I have really lived! Well, at this moment, I'm supposed to be reading Clockwork Angel because I don't want to be a judgmental snob and form an opinion without even reading the book
You won't fail me, will you? Where would we be without it, because, I dare say, almost all of us have experienced it; some on the receiving end, some on the giving end Or this kind of book
I think this is probably one of the most romantic stories written about falling in love for the first time and having your heart broken for the first time, touching with the author's characteristic keen insight on something fundamental about our efforts to go out of our shells and connect with another human being He loves the city at night, and feels comfortable in it

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BUT, I found White Nights, lost on my bookshelves.

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قراءة في كتاب الليالي البيضاء
Is that too little for the whole of a man's life? The life of his observations and imagination is very full, however
تحميل رواية الليالى البيضاء pdf دوستويفسيكى
White Nights is a novella told by an unnamed narrator who goes for a walk every day and knows everybody by sight; he never talked to any of those people