I hate going to the dentist For more information and source,
What I really want is to have an apartment For more information and source,

المصطلحات العسكرية بالإنجليزية مع الترجمة والنطق بالعربية

I never intended it that way.

ترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية للعربية
Could you please repeat that? I think we need to buy a house
قبل المتابعة
I have another appointment at that time
تعرف على افضل شركة ترجمة من الانجليزية للعربية
I regret eating so much
For more information and source, For more information and source,
Hang on for a moment Can you give me the book? Translation from English to Arabic 4• Can I just add something here? Could you clarify that, please? Do you know what time it is? See you at 8 P

الترجمة من الإنجليزية للعربية، 800 كلمة

Do you mind if I turn down the TV? How come it has taken you so long to reply to my email? Are you certain about it? I hope you feel better soon.

تعرف على افضل شركة ترجمة من الانجليزية للعربية
I wish I could speak English fluently like you
ترجمة فورية الترجمة من الانجليزية للعربية
ترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية للعربية
Would you come to my birthday party? Sorry, you are not permitted