In: Textbook of Critical Care National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Fast Results in 8 seconds• Malpeli, Physical Education, Chapter 4: Acute Responses to Exercise, p Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and ARDS

مستوى الأكسجين في الدم: هذا ما عليك معرفته

Pathophysiology and treatment of high-altitude pulmonary vascular disease.

تشبع الأكسجين (طب)
: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2014
فيروس كورونا: كيف يمكن للمريض أن يعرف مدى تأثر مستوى الأكسجين في الدم بدقة؟
What is a pulse oximeter? Silicone pads for a comfortable fit• Modern, clean and streamlined Design• In: Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine
مستوى الأكسجين الطبيعي في الدم
Overview of obstructive sleep apnea in adults
Identifying COVID-19 Cases, Particularly Asymptomatic Cases The COVID-19 virus attacks lung cells, causing air sacs in the lungs to collapse and your oxygen levels to fall "Cerebral arteriovenous oxygen difference as an estimate of cerebral blood flow in comatose patients"
Sports Medicine, Sports Science and Kinesiology Configurable high or low SpO2 and pulse rate limits for visual alarm•

مستوى الأكسجين الطبيعي في الدم

Adjustable display brightness to save battery — Auto shut-off feature and low battery indicator• With lockdown restrictions likely to be eased shortly and businesses reopening, identifying asymptomatic cases will be important in helping prevent future outbreaks.

تشبع الأكسجين (طب)
Although these have usually only been used in medical clinics, there is reason to believe now that they are a useful device to have at home during the COVID-19 pandemic to detect asymptomatic cases
فرق الأكسجين الشرياني الوريدي
Low perfusion of less than 0
تشبع الأكسجين (طب)
Horizontal display screen for a more user-friendly design• Oxygenation and mechanisms of hypoxemia