The incarcerated Aziz suffered from depression, diabetes, heart disease, and ulcers He was both an and an ethnic and a member of the
At the time of his surrender, Aziz was ranked number 43 out of 55 in the American list of most-wanted Iraqis despite a belief "he probably would not know answers to questions like where weapons of mass destruction may be hidden and where Saddam Hussein might be Jordanian authorities said the body had not been stolen, but merely delayed until the relevant paperwork was filled out

طارق عزيز: يناشد الفاتيكان لإنهاء معاناته.. وأنتقاد للدباغ لأنه لم يكن وفيا!!

Aziz's daughter, Zeinab, claimed his body was stolen at Baghdad International Airport en route to Jordan by unidentified men on 11 June, but it was recovered the day after.

سيكار طارق عزيز ووقاحة أولبرايت .. هل نتعلم الدروس ياهانز؟؟
He condemned Arab states for "subservience to the United States' hegemony in the Middle East and their support for punitive sanctions
‭BBC Arabic‬
Iraq war [ ] In October 2000, the then-junior Minister for Foreign Affairs from Britain, , set up a secret war avoidance team to carry messages back and forth between himself and Aziz
وفاة طارق عزيز.. وزير خارجية
Iraqi President declared that he would not sign Aziz's execution order, thus commuting his sentence to indefinite imprisonment
Aziz remained in custody the rest of his life and died of a in the city of on 5 June 2015, aged 79 "I'm a victim of a criminal act conducted by this party, which is in power right now
' — , 3 May 2003 Detention [ ] He voluntarily surrendered to American forces on 24 April 2003, after negotiations had been mediated by his son His son said that while his father was in poor health, he was being well treated by prison officials

طارق عزيز

The attack killed several people.

كيف وصف طارق عزيز غزو الكويت أمام صدام حسين؟
Furthermore, according to , "several international human-rights groups have criticised the procedures and questioned the impartiality of the court
طارق عزيز
On 5 August 2010, The Guardian released his first face-to-face interview since his surrender
كيف وصف طارق عزيز غزو الكويت أمام صدام حسين؟
After these judgments had been passed, stated that "there was no evidence that a Western court would regard as compelling that he had anything like final responsibility for the carrying out of the executions" of the 42 merchants and "there was no real evidence of his personal involvement and guilt" with regards to the displacement of Kurds