Natural Honey and Cardiovascular Risk Factors; Effects on Blood Glucose, Cholesterol, Triacylglycerole, CRP, and Body Weight Compared With Sucrose Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Chronic Disease Risk—A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
Radulian G, Rusu E, Dragomir A, Posea M Glycemic index, postprandial glycemia, and the shape of the curve in healthy subjects: analysis of a database of more than 1000 foods

٤ حقائق عن المؤشر الجلايسيمي للأطعمة

Glycemic index, glycemic load and glycemic response: An International Scientific Consensus Summit from the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium ICQC.

ماذا تعرف عن المؤشر الجلايسيمي؟
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load: Measurement Issues and Their Effect on Diet-Disease Relationships
تغذية : ما هو المؤشر الجلاسيمي و ما علاقته بالكاربز ؟؟
Changes in intake of protein foods, carbohydrate amount and quality, and long-term weight change: Results from 3 prospective cohorts
مؤشر جلايسيمي
Effect of glycemic index of breakfast on energy intake at subsequent meal among healthy people: A meta-analysis
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition "Dietary carbohydrate amount and type in the prevention and management of diabetes: a statement by the american diabetes association
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Impact of carbohydrates on weight regain

المؤشر والحمل الجلايسيمي

Metabolic effects of low glycaemic index diets.

تغذية : ما هو المؤشر الجلاسيمي و ما علاقته بالكاربز ؟؟
Estimating the reliability of glycemic index values and potential sources of methodological and biological variability
٤ حقائق عن المؤشر الجلايسيمي للأطعمة
Honey, Propolis, and Royal Jelly: A Comprehensive Review of Their Biological Actions and Health Benefits
المؤشر السكري لأهم الأطعمة
" Diabetes Care;27 9 :2266-71• American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Enero 2009 89 1 : 97-105
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Pancreatic regulation of glucose homeostasis

اهمية المؤشر الجلايسيمي لمريض السكري


اهمية المؤشر الجلايسيمي لمريض السكري
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care
ماذا تعرف عن المؤشر الجلايسيمي؟
Department of Health and Human Services
تغذية : ما هو المؤشر الجلاسيمي و ما علاقته بالكاربز ؟؟
Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties