The formula does not know you are looking to set it up as a MONTH I'm not sure if this is the best solution, but I've added a precise day to the computation, which I assume shouldn't affect other calculations because it is shorter than the formula assumes a day to be
00069418 and when combined with ROUNDDOWN, gives 70 1-12 and months in the 2nd column Jan-Dec then use vlookups so that the function can convert the numbers into the correct text

حساب العمر بالهجري او بالميلادي

1932 is a leap year.

برنامج تحويل التاريخ من هجري إلى ميلادي محول التاريخ ميلادي لهجري وهجري لميلادي برنامج تحويل التاريخ من هجري إلى ميلادي محول التاريخ ميلادي لهجري وهجري لميلادي
Somehow, I thought they were not directed at me as I don't seem to have given details with commas, spaces, etc
برنامج تحويل التاريخ من هجري إلى ميلادي محول التاريخ ميلادي لهجري وهجري لميلادي برنامج تحويل التاريخ من هجري إلى ميلادي محول التاريخ ميلادي لهجري وهجري لميلادي
However, each of the 2 components of this formula is a separate number, integer
تحويل التاريخ
Is the FX part of the box? ie: everything below the correct calculations in the column reads 115 years as a default
You will calculate the incorrect age for people born in a leap year If you don't consider that in the formula when you forecast you will be off by a few days
If I recall correctly, but datedif wasn't the issue regarding leap years One should be careful using Method C, with the YEARFRAC function, because of rounding error in computations involving leap years

تحويل التاريخ

Not because they are wrong per se but simply because 1.

تحويل التاريخ الميلادي الى هجري
So, if you get the DATEDIF between B4, and a date which is a valid date but 3 months after TODAY , try the following formula, works for me and gave 10
حساب العمر بالهجري او بالميلادي
Have a look around online as someone's likely done some VBA that'll do the trick or KUTools probably have something
تحميل برنامج تحويل التاريخ الهجري إلى ميلادي 2020 Date Converter
Hi Krista, That would be the length of time since Excel's callander started :P You're getting that because the cell you're referencing is blank - is you r son's DOB in Cell E13? Again, lookup tables did that and I was able to shorten the funtions calculations by using if statements instead but that was very fiddly and half the time I found myself trying to use PHP which would do the job in no time! Your work could be helpful but it confuses people instead
I was able to continue the formula down the entire column which is what I needed It produces the correct answer eg 9
why do you put spaces in your examples when Excel NEVER accepts spaces?? The issue is that a computed "age" appears in each cell despite the fact that I have not filled in a birthdate Method D is exactly what I've been looking for, minus the day portion easily removed

تحميل برنامج تحويل التاريخ الهجري إلى ميلادي 2020 Date Converter

I had only suggested the use of YEARFRAC instead of DATEDIF function which i wasn't getting on my Excel.

تحويل التاريخ الميلادي الى هجري
What is wrong and how do I correct it? However, because YEARFRAC DATE 1932,6,5 ,DATE 2002,6,5 , 1 computes to 69
حساب العمر بالهجري او بالميلادي
Is there a way to make the age cell blank until a value is placed in the birthdate cell so as not to see ongoing "115's? nd rd st or th
حساب العمر بالهجري او بالميلادي
So, a perfectly good answer fails to produce the desired result practically on Excel because of YOUR carelessness