During this effort, Cassini looks at likely storm locations on Saturn in between its scheduled observations On the same day that the radio and plasma wave instrument detected the first lightning, Cassini's cameras happened to be pointed at the right location as part of the campaign and captured an image of a small, bright cloud
" At its most intense, the storm generated more than 10 lightning flashes per second Weather on Saturn appears to hum along placidly for years and then erupt violently

تحديث تطبيق جوجل إيرث يدعم الآن ميزة الغيوم المتحركة على مدار 24 ساعة

"We have been observing storms on Saturn for almost seven years, so tracking a storm so different from the others has put us at the edge of our seats.

ملمح السُحُب المتحركة عبر إصدار الويب من «غوغل إيرث»
I'm excited we saw weather so spectacular on our watch
أجــزاء المحرك بالتفصيل وكيف تعمل
Cassini has detected 10 lightning storms on Saturn since the spacecraft entered the planet's orbit and its southern hemisphere was experiencing summer, with full solar illumination not shadowed by the rings
موقع الأستاذ/ مبارك عبدالرحمن الدوسري
Jia-Rui Cook 818-354-0850 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif
"Cassini shows us that Saturn is bipolar," said Andrew Ingersoll, an author of the study and a Cassini imaging team member at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured images in 1990 of an equally large storm
Scientists created a sound file from data obtained on March 15 at a slightly lower intensity period


The storm is the biggest observed by spacecraft orbiting or flying by Saturn.

الأردن المهيأ
" The storm's results are the first activities of a new "Saturn Storm Watch" campaign
حركة السحب مباشر, صور الأقمار الاصطناعية و حركة السحب المتحركة الآن و راصد
A flood of amateur images helped scientists track the storm as it grew rapidly, wrapping around the planet by late January 2011
غروب الشمس في السحب GIF
" But the sun's illumination on the hemispheres flipped around August 2009, when the northern hemisphere began experiencing spring