Hazim; all of them narrated on the authority of Zubaid The Hindoo god Vishnu was represented as blue
He heard the traditions from 'Isa b First, because it is that color which, among all those used in Masonry, is the unquestioned Masonic possession of every Mason

دعاء في المطر

I cannot praise You enough, You are as You have praised Yourself.

دعاء للمتوفى في المطر
The use of blue in religious ceremonials, and as a symbol, comes to Masonry from many of the different peoples of antiquity
60+ اجمل دعاء للميت وصور ادعية للمتوفي مستجابة
There is doubt that Hafs might have narrated this tradition from some other narrator than Mis'ar
صيّغ (انواع) من الصلوات على رسول
This conception Masonry has received from the ancients, more particularly the Egyptians
Abu Dawud said: Ubayy b
Abu Dawud said: This version of tradition is not well know Ma'in said: No one is reported to have narrated traditions form him except Hammad b

دعاء للميت قصير مكتوب

I cannot enumerate Your praise, You are as You have praised Yourself.

دعاء الزوجة لزوجها
Among the Hebrews various articles of the high priest's clothing were blue
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The Babylonians clothed their idols in blue
إسلام ويب
Yellow was to the ancients the symbol of light
He also narrated it through a different chain of narrators on the authority of Ubayy b Abu Dawud said: This tradition has also been narrated by 'Isa b
Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life Each color has for its purpose the teaching to the Mason of a valuable moral lesson or the calling of his attention to some historical fact of interest Masonically, certain of the colors serving both purposes at one and the same time

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Zurai' narrated from Sa'id, from Qatadah, from 'Azrah, from Sa'id b.

دعاء في المطر
Therefore, in Masonry it is, properly, the color adopted for certain of the garments of investiture of the candidate
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I cannot praise You enough, You are as You have praised Yourself
دعاء في المطر
And I seek refuge in You from You; I cannot praise You enough; You are as You have praised Yourself