Reena Khanna, John MacDonald and Barrett Levesque 2014 , , Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, Issue 6, Folder 48, Page 505-512 Ahmed Madisc, Gerald Holtmann, Bettina Vinson And Others 30-1-2004 , , Digestion, Issue 1, Folder 69, Page 45-52
Mark Moss, Ellen Smith, Matthew Milner, and others 15-10-2018 , , Journal of Psychopharmacology, Issue 12, Folder 32, Page 1319-1329 Ziba Dehkordi, Fatemeh Baharanchi, Reza Bekhradi 2014 , , Complementary therapies in medicine, Issue 2, Folder 22, Page 212-219

فوائد مشروب الزهورات والأمراض التي يعالج منها


ما هو مشروب الزهورات
Asghari-Jafarabadi 7-9-2014 , , Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Issue 2, Folder 38, Page 163-170
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Habib Haybara, Ahmad Javidb, Mohammad Haghighizadeh And Others 8-2018 , , Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Folder 26, Page 47—52
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Fatima Poswal, Grace Russell, Marion Mackonochie and others 26-6-2019 , , Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, Issue 3, Folder 74, Page 266-276
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M Pimentel, G Bonorris, E Chow and others 2001 , , Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, Issue 1, Folder 33, Page 27-31.

زهرة اللبن : definition of زهرة اللبن and synonyms of زهرة اللبن (Arabic)
Farooq Anwara, Muhammad Alia, Abdullah Hussaina, and others 14-4-2009 , , Flavour and Fragrance Journal, Issue 4, Folder 24, Page 170-176
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زهورات شامية
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