JAZADCOGazadco is also keen on generating multiple sources of income sources by optimizing the company's resources, f
Its current capital is 500,000,000 riyals divided into fifty million shares, with a par value of ten riyals per share 223 from the Minister of Commerce Decree No

تداول السلع الزراعية، تداول الذرة، الصويا والقمح

The company's activities features diversified participationare characterized by its diversity in several vital areas where JAZADCOGazadco has achieved significant results and achievements in the field of aquaculture, and the agricultureal, manufacturing industry,ial and real estate sectors.

جازان الزراعيه واعلان تداول ( خساره 12,029,451 )
Focusing on investing the in economically viableprofitable projects that support its financial position and add value to its portfolio
كيف تصبح مصدرا
About Jazadco Jazan Energy and Development Company JAZADCO is a Saudi Joint Stock Company established by Decree No
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شركة جازان للطاقة والتنمية (جازادكو)
جازان الزراعيه واعلان تداول ( خساره 12,029,451 )