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Although "fitnah" in Arabic is not defined as "dissension" in English in the Al-Mawrid dictionary, but the same dictionary defines "dissension" in English as "fitnah" in Arabic Dissension in Islam is one of the worst if not the worst sin



جريدة الجريدة الكويتية
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الفتنة.. لعن الله من أيقظها
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الفتنة نائمة... لعن الله من أيقظها
the picture of dogs at least in the past suggests this bitterness and fear just as the most malicious word in Arabic history,al-fitnah, does
This English saying means "Do not stir up a problem that has lain quiet for some time" In such cases where there is exact equivalant in the target language,translator should not seek any literal translation
The phrase is about "divide and rule" or "divide and conquer" and not about disagreement with government or the law dissent or sedition Valerie got the meaning though she maybe doesn't know Arabic


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الفتنة.. لعن الله من أيقظها
Dear valerie With all my respect to you as a native speaker,I think we shall give our translatiopn some force by using a strong symbol of bitter conflict and great fear
حديث الفتنة نائمة ولعن الله من أيقظها وحديث وإياكم وخضراء الدمن
Compare that with the sin of killing and all other sins such as outlined in the 10 commandments and you'll find it meaning the worst of all sins
The TCTerms Team Read more:• Dear Eyad I suggest the dinamic translation "Let sleeping dogs lie"
Yes Jane, That could be another way of saying it In other words the text means: Dissension is dormant asleep
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الفتنة نائمة لعن الله من أيقضها هذا الحديث لا يصح .

It will be more natural and idiomatic than any other literal translation.

الفتنة نائمة، لعن الله من أيقظها...
All the best Valerie "dissension" is what is meant by "fitnah" in the Arabic context mentioned
جريدة الجريدة الكويتية
If within the body of a communication there is that judgement, that part will be taken out
من قال أن الفتنة نـائمة؟
Any input should have to do only with this purpose