"Muhmmad," Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world• Margoliouth: The relations between Arabs and Israelites Prior to the Rise of Islam p3 Paul Amar 15 July 2014
: "The name is an early one and can be traced in fragments of the old Arab poetry

العرب البائدة

Derenko, Miroslava; Malyarchuk, Boris; Denisova, Galina; Perkova, Maria; Litvinov, Andrey; Grzybowski, Tomasz; Dambueva, Irina; Skonieczna, Katarzyna; Rogalla, Urszula 2014.

موقع شجرةالعرب
"Egypt and Early Arab Nationalism" in Rashid Kakhlidi, ed
ما هو أصل العرب
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ما هي الحضارة العربية
Dwight Fletcher Reynolds, Arab folklore: a handbook, Greenwood Press: 2007 , p
European Journal of Human Genetics Pirenne, Le Royaume Sud-Arabc de Qataban et sa Datation, Louvain, 1961
Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition ], Mahra , Khushayn, Djarm, 'Udhra [q


National Association of British Arabs.

ما هو أصل العرب
Stephen Adolphe Wurm et al
2006; found agreement by Battaglia et al
تقسيم العرب إلى عاربة ومستعربة
; Gurkan, Cemal; Dogan, Mustafa; Balkaya, Hasan Emin; Dogan, Serkan; Neophytou, Pavlos I