The water gives the lie to the diver kind of food Hidden meaning: A person with a little luck can expect anything happening to him
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs If you can't afford something, think twice about whether you really need it or not

امثال مصرية موسوعة الامثال الشعبية المصرية

Can be used to hint that if you take risks, it'll pay off.

أمثال شعبية مصرية عن قلة الاصل
Many hands make light work
امثال مصرية شعبية مضحكة جداً ولكن بها حكمة مفيدة ورائعة
One who cooks poison tastes it
امثال مصرية موسوعة الامثال الشعبية المصرية
The bride gets a bridegroom and the rest get miserable
The eye doesn't go higher than the brow Cooperation from all sides is necessary to accomplish anything
Don't take advantage of your friends Used in reference to someone like a police officer or a government official, who should be protecting people, actually committing crimes, embezzlement, theft, etc

امثال مصرية مسخرة

il-waHda xeir min giliis is-suu'.

أمثال شعبية مصرية قليلة الادب
ya waaxod il-'ird 3ala maalu yiruuH il-maal wa yi'3od il-'ird 3ala Haalu If you marry a monkey i
أشهر امثال شعبية يقولها المصريون حتى الان
xosaara qariiba aHsan min maksab ba3iid
امثال شعبية • موقع مصري
Being involved in a funeral is better than trying to arrange marriages