We can therefore expect a rise in investment in this country, if the government is able to prove itself and especially to be tough on terrorists to secure its territory It also has direct access to the Indian Ocean
Owais Tohid 7 June 2005 Like the one that touched the country in 2010 that made at least 1760 victims

صور معالم باكستان .. التاريخية و السياحية

The unofficial figure is over 6 million Tajiks.

The country is facing identity claims
معلومات عن باكستان بالانجليزي
Irfan Husain 17 April 2010
A magical destination but delicate, to consider with a lot of precaution
Admittedly, the context in Pakistan is heavy, especially towards the Afghan border and the traveler will have to be very cautious Finally, the Sharif government reassured investors
In addition, it had catastrophic economic consequences, since it affected the main pillar of the economy, which is agriculture Culture and Customs of Pakistan Culture and Customs of Asia

اسماء دول العالم بالانجليزي ، اسماء دول اوروبا و افريقيا و شرق اسيا و دول اوروبية

Thus, multiple regional languages are spoken, the administrative language is Urdu.

خريطة السودان
India, Pakistan and the West
Thus, the territory extends along the Indus Valley and controls several strategic passages of the Persian Gulf
ليستة بلاچات العالم
If it is not part of extremely risky countries, it is still considered at risk
201: "Consequently, the number of citizens who regard themselves as Tajiks is difficult to determine The wet season runs from July to September
There is also the federal territory of Islamabad capital, the tribal areas in the north, and the cashmere region divided with India in the east of the country To understand the country's diplomatic strategy, it must be considered in its geography

معلومات عن باكستان بالانجليزي

The second major risk is flooding.

If these movements are enough groupuscular, they are still not to be underestimated, because they are very violent
الفرق بين الهند وباكستان
Vladimir Shlapentokh, Munir Sendich, Emil Payin 1994
معلومات عن باكستان بالانجليزي
They are often a reflection of the socio-economic frustrations that we mentioned earlier