We posted 10 recipes in June and this is the 9th recipe in July Remove the pits from the dates
You can also decorate the balls using a fork or special tweezers known as naggash In a pan set over medium heat, add the pitted dates, cardamom, cinnamon and browned butter

ملوكية بالقشطة

Ramadan and the lead up to it have been the busiest time for us.

معمول سميد
Cajiinka qoriga macmuulka saar, kaddibna hal mar calaacasha ku riix
معمول سميد
Yet, we still believe we could have done more
Date Maamoul (Macmuul Timir) معمول تمر
1 cup 227 grams melted•
Spread each piece on the palm of your hand then place a flattened date ball on it Use your fingers to ensure the dry ingredients are coated with the butter
Can you guys make Makrout? Using a maamoul mold, press the filled dough down firmly with the palm of your hand Date maamoul are cylindrical in shape while pistachio maamoul look like an oval dome

Date Maamoul (Macmuul Timir) معمول تمر

Haddaadan qoriga heli karin, macmuulka gacmaha ku kuuskuus.

معمول سميد
For Christians in the Middle East, maamoul is a pastry that is associated with Easter
1 tablespoon 15 milliliters — or ghee• Encase the date in the dough then shape it like a disc
2 tablespoons 30 milliliters Directions:• Add the milk and mix well
Caanaha ku dar, kaddibna si fiican u qas 1 qaaddo weyn 15 mililitir — ama subag• Would love to hear from you! Farahaada isticmaal si aad u hubisid in ay buurada wada gaartay
Bir dab dhexdhexaad saaran, ku rid timirta, haylka, qorfaha iyo buurada la gaduudiyay ama subag, kaddibna kari muddo 3 daqiiqadood Mix the semolina, flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and vanillin sugar, then whisk well

طريقة تحضير الصفوف بدون طحين فرخة

After cooling down, shape into 42 small balls.

معمول سميد
Would you say this is buttery like shortbread or doughy but soft crumble like most Lebanese mamouls? Having a mold is not a must to make these crumbly, melt-in-your-mouth pastries
Our target was to post this recipe before Eid but we failed to do that
ملوكية بالقشطة
2 qaaddo weyn 30 mililitir Diyaarinta:• Would that work here in this recipe? Any imperfections will be covered when dusted with icing sugar after baking