The following shall be applied on passengers coming from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka: - Passengers who were in the above countries in the last 14 days are not allowed entry into Jordan If you have any doubt about particular items, please ask for guidance from us or our Authorised Agents
This means that even if you have a reservation with us and hold a Ticket showing the RJ's Designator Code for one or more flights, another airline may operate the aircraft 5, applies to Damage to both Unchecked and Checked Baggage where the Montreal Convention applies to your carriage;• these Conditions of Carriage will apply where we have a legal liability to you and the conditions of carriage of the operating carrier will apply in all other respects, with the result that, for example, provisions relating to baggage acceptance, check-in and boarding, refusal and limitation of carriage, conduct aboard aircraft, and schedules, delays and cancellation of flights may differ from these Conditions of Carriage

الخطوط السعودية: اشتراطات السفر تخضع للتحديث المستمر

Very occasionally, it may be necessary for us temporarily to supplement our fleet with aircraft operated for us by another airline.

متطلبات السفر إلى دبي
Our address is Alia - Royal Jordanian Airline Headquarters - P O Box 302 Amman 11118 Jordan
الخطوط السعودية: اشتراطات السفر تخضع للتحديث المستمر
if the Damage to Checked Baggage is physical in nature you must notify us in writing within 7 Days of receipt of the Checked Baggage;• Check in for railways segments is not available through RJ
اشتراطات السفر من وإلي السعودية والاشتراطات الصحية الواجب علي المسافرين من وإلي المملكة
Special request services cannot be booked on the rail segments through RJ
By whom Ticket refundable We will pay a voluntary refund on a Ticket only if we or our Authorised Agents issued the Ticket you commit a criminal offence during check-in or during any of the other operations of embarkation on your flight, or disembarkation from a connecting flight, or on board the aircraft before take-off; or• Fares The fare paid for your Ticket covers carriage of you and your Baggage from the airport at the place of departure to the airport at the place of destination via specified Stopovers at the times and on the dates specified in the Ticket, unless we say otherwise
The Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague on 28 September 1955;• See Article 3 for situations relating to non-use of your Ticket 5 and all conditions attached to such clearance have, or will be, complied with by you

اشتراطات السفر إلى البوسنة 2021

You must not include any of the following items in your Unchecked Baggage or your Checked Baggage:• You must ensure that your Checked Baggage is sufficiently robust and well secured to withstand the usual and normal rigours of carriage by air without sustaining damage.

اشتراطات السفر إلي الكويت في ظل كورونا عليك اتباع بعض الإرشادات الصحية التي نعرضها في مقالنا
Please ask us or our Authorised Agent for details of how to claim such refund
تعرف على شروط السفر من السعودية إلى مصر
"Coupon" means a paper document marked "Flight Coupon" or "Passenger Coupon" issued by us or our Authorised Agent as part of your Ticket
قيود السفر والدخول إلى تركيا: تحديث متعلق بفيروس كورونا
We will pay a refund according to Article 10