It was hard to see obvious value-creation in the Bharti deal | |
If you heat honey it will stay in solution and not turn solid when cold | We had all the protective stuff you have seen that bee keepers use, but you probably have never seen the filters to trap propolis, pollen filters and separators |
I had been stung several times; none of which felt good.
9Don't go into an investment with a cavalier attitude that it's OK to lose | Part of growing up is learning to endure pain |
Successful investors know the difference | 1 billion, including MTN stock |
He doesn't go into an investment prepared to lose, and neither should you.
18I wear the right clothes and nets | Does the company have a consistent operating history? 2: Never Forget Rule No |
If you are going to get honey, as you see, it takes a lot of work and sometimes you will get bit, that's just the way it is | That's because you have not been bitten much before, so there is a shock effect to that, but you will get used to it |
Buffett believes the most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.