In the recollections of his nephew Jean Richez, gathered by Wilkie in the 1970s! Stranger on the earth: A psychological biography of Vincent van Gogh, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972
, page 72-78, Denis and his wife Esther were running a bakery, and Richez admits that the only source of his knowledge is Aunt Esther To provide distinguished education and produce creative research that serves the community and contributes to building a knowledge economy, by creating a stimulating environment for learning and intellectual creativity, optimal employment of technology, and effective local and global partnerships• Callow, page 116, citing the work of Hulsker• Letter , April 1879, and Letter

هل مات فان غوخ منتحرا؟.. أشهر سلاح بالتاريخ يوضح

Van Gogh lodged in Wasmes, at 22 rue de Wilson, with Jean-Baptiste Denis, a breeder or grower 'cultivateur', in the French original according to Letter.

من هو فنسنت فان جوخ ؟
, retrieved 14 June 2007
ما لا تعرفه عن فان غوخ .. من هو؟ سيرته الذاتية، إنجازاته وأقواله، معلومات عن فان غوخ
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