Their extraordinary diversity and speed of have been the subjects for many scientists studying the forces that drive the richness of life everywhere At the same time it was warned that this could present a serious danger to the native fish species and required extensive research into possible ecological effects before done
This is far more species of fish than any other lake in the world, except This may increase as a result of the spread of the invasive water hyacinth an optimum snail habitat , and the loss of many snail-eating cichlids in the lake

ربط بحيرة فيكتوريا بالبحر المتوسط

zillii , Nile Oreochromis niloticus and O.

معلومات عن بحيرة فيكتوريا
Some of the threatened Lake Victoria cichlid species have captive "insurance" populations in zoos, and among private aquarists, and a few species are only survive in captivity
أين تقع بحيرة فكتوريا؟
By 2006, the water levels in Lake Victoria had reached an 80-year low, and Daniel Kull, an independent hydrologist living in , Kenya, calculated that Uganda was releasing about twice as much water as is allowed under the agreement, and was primarily responsible for recent drops in the lake's level
Lake Victoria
Alberge, Dalya 11 September 2011
Public awareness exercises were also conducted "The late Pleistocene desiccation of Lake Victoria and the origin of its endemic biota"
Sediment and suspended solids are filtered out using sand, which acts like a sieve Believing he had found the source of the Nile on seeing this "vast expanse of open water" for the first time, Speke named the lake after Queen Victoria

نهر النيل

Cichlid fish [ ] Unlike many other Lake Victoria cichlids, remains common.

اكبر بحيرة فى افريقيا ... بحيرة فيكتوريا
The Victoria Nyanza and Its Fisheries: A Report on the Fish Survey of Lake Victoria 1927—1928 and Appendices
بحيرة ڤيكتوريا
As well as being due to the introduction of , the extinction of cichlids in the genus has also been blamed on the lake's eutrophication
اشكالية حول المشروع المصري لربط البحر المتوسط ببحيرة فيكتوريا بخط ملاحي بالنيل
As the species was already present, there were few objections when more Nile perch were transferred to Victoria to further bolster the stock in 1962—63
6 ft and 200 kg 440 lb London: Crown Agents for the Colonies
Among the introductions are several : Coptodon rendalli , C "Wetland ecotones as refugia for endangered fishes"

Lake Victoria

Environmental issues [ ] A number of are associated with Lake Victoria and the complete disappearance of many endemic cichlid species has been called the "most dramatic example of human-caused extinctions within an ecosystem".

ربط بحيرة فيكتوريا بالبحر المتوسط
Lake Victoria last dried out about 17,300 years ago, and it refilled 14,700 years ago as the began
أين تقع بحيرة فكتوريا؟
Its shores are dotted with key cities and towns, including , , and in Kenya; , and Entebbe in Uganda; and Bukoba, , and in Tanzania
معلومات عن بحيرة فيكتوريا
"Lake Victoria Statistics from this Dataverse" Data Set