I like it how he starts the whole work with a motivation to explain why he wrote it, how existing work on the subjects covered differ from his work etc True knowledge is at the foundation of everything, and religious knowledge being used to manipulate people by what al Ghazali calls the "learned" of this world or "the reprehensible scholars" is what Islam and other religions have been suffering from for quite a while
Reading this also will make you a skinnier and healthier person I like it how he starts the whole work with a motivation to explain why he wrote it, how existing work on the subjects covered differ from his work etc

أبو حامد الغزالي (Author of أيها الولد)

Read this back to back then you will lead a better life.

كتب أبو حامد الغزالي الغزالي وعلماء المغرب كتاب 166
If I never had read this book, I will surely be strayed into agnosticism or into atheism
ابو حامد الغزالى
" This book leads the way in Fons Vitae's al-Ghazali's project described on their website
من هو الغزالي
He is a genius in explaining the existence of god through philosophical argument
It sets the blueprint as it were for the rest of the 40 books
Currently, I'm digesting the chapters about arrogance, the signs, the cures etc True knowledge is at the foundation of everything, and religious knowledge being used to manipulate people by what al Ghazali calls the "learned" of this world or "the reprehensible scholars" is what Islam and other religions have been suffering from for quite a while

الغزالي والفلسفة

Currently, I'm digesting the chapters about arrogance, the signs, the cures etc.

كتب ومؤلفات أبو حامد الغزالي
Al-Ghazali also talks about the pitfalls mainly abo This is a new and beautiful translation of the first book of al-Ghazali's amazing compendium Ihyaa' 'uluum al-Din
أبو حامد الغزالي
Al-Ghazali also talks about the pitfalls mainly about ego of pursuing knowledge --- No wonder Hamza Yusuf, who wrote the foreword, told a recent conference of Muslims, "Everyone needs to read this! It sets the blueprint as it were for the rest of the 40 books
من هو الغزالي
I'm still reading, but it is one of the best books I've come across

أبو حامد الغزالي حقائق ستعرفها عنه لأول مرة


أعلام التصوف : أبو حامد محمد الغزّالي
أبو حامد الغزالي
كتب أبو حامد الغزالي الغزالي وعلماء المغرب كتاب 166