"Half empty or half full? "A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V Only the safety valve of mass emigration to America prevented famine and rebellion
Fact Sheet FS 91 e : "Sweden has a strong and enviable choral singing tradition

ما هي طبقات الأرض

Sweden's Development from Poverty to Affluence 1750—1970, University of Minnesota Press, pp.

سعود الطبية: هذا هو الفرق بين تسوس الأسنان والتهاب اللثة
] All those interviewed placed great emphasis on the social identification through singing and also referred to the importance of Swedish folk song in the maintenance of the choral singing tradition and national identity
" -- see Chapin, Emerson
Lars Jonung, Jaakko Kiander, Pentti Vartia 2009 Shibu Poulose, Marshall Miller, Barbara Shukitt-Hale 4-2014 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 4, Folder 144, Page 561S—566S
Olivia Farr, Dario Tuccinardi, Jagriti Upadhyay, and others 17-7-2017 , , Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Issue 1, Folder 20, Page 173-177 1882—1964 , Title: A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V


Elizabeth Ewan, Janay Nugent 2008 " ".

فاكهة الجامون: فاكهة استوائية لذيذة تشبه البرقوق
Scott, Sweden: The Nation's History University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 1977 p
فاكهة الجامون: فاكهة استوائية لذيذة تشبه البرقوق
The Swedish welfare state in transition
Kicking Away The Ladder, pp