The License, which is coupled with an Agreement between the Minister and the Corporation, lays down the terms and conditions under which the BBC is allowed to broadcast
Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press — Mass Media Moments in the United Kingdom, the USSR and the USA 2003

بي بي سي

— The BBC — the First Fifty Years — Condensed version of the five-volume history by the same author.

تلفزيون بي بي سي عربي
Campaign to Abolish the Licence Fee
‎بي بي سي عربي on the App Store
— Historical background relating to the British Broadcasting Company, Ltd, its founding companies; their transatlantic connections; General Post Office licensing system; commercial competitors from Europe before the Second World War and offshore during the 1960s
‎بي بي سي عربي on the App Store
— Louis MacNeice in the BBC — Writer and producer from 1941 to 1961 in the Features Department of BBC radio
Special Issue Research Project Reports Great Britain: The Macmillan Press LTD
New York, New York: Palgrave Macmillan — The Memoirs of a British Broadcaster — History of the Zircon spy satellite affair, written by a former Director-General of the BBC

تلفزيون بي بي سي عربي

Broadcasting Empire: The BBC and the British World, 1922—1970 2012 : online• BBC Broadcasts to Portugal in World War II.

غضب من بثّ بي سي تعليقات معادية للمثليين
Victory through Harmony: The BBC and Popular Music in World War II Oxford University Press, 2012
تلفزيون بي بي سي عربي
House of Lords Session Report
بي بي سي
New York, New York: Manchester University Press