Rome in the East: the transformation of an empire : "The name is an early one and can be traced in fragments of the old Arab poetry
Stein, "Ancient South Arabian" in R USSR Academy of Sciences Publ

ما أصل العرب

Pirenne, Le Royaume Sud-Arabc de Qataban et sa Datation, Louvain, 1961.

ما هو أصل العرب
Arabic As a Minority Language By Jonathan Owens, pg
ما هو أصل العرب
New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing
تحميل كتاب أصل العرب ولغتهم بين الحقيقة و الأباطيل pdf
The Semitic Languages By Robert Hetzron p,378• Vartan Gregorian, "Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith", Brookings Institution Press, 2003, pg 26—38• total population 450 million, estimates an Arab population of 450 million, see article text
Neil Caplan 4 September 2019 According to estimates by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE , countersigned by the League of Arab States, Brazil has the largest Arab colony outside their countries of origin
Paul Amar 15 July 2014 "Muhmmad," Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world• There are estimated 15 million Arabs living in Brazil today, with some researchers suggesting numbers around 20 million

أصل العرب المستعربة

Walter de Gruyter, 2000; p.

ماهو أصل العرب الحقيقي و ما معنى كلمة عرب
UNHCR , United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
اصل العرب بالاحاديث النبويه والادله وتكذيب مقولة اصل العرب اليمن
Semino O, Magri C, Benuzzi G; et al
أصل العرب المستعربة
Riverside Dictionary Of Biography, Houghton-Mifflin, London 2004: p603
Footnote 10: "Their neighbours in the West scarcely regarded them as Arabs, though they themselves consider they are of the pure stock of Himyar Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition
Alshamali F, Pereira L, Budowle B, Poloni ES, Currat M 2009 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

من أين جاء العرب

Arabs and Berbers: from tribe to nation in North Africa.

ماهو أصل العرب الحقيقي؟ من هم العرب؟ ومن أين اتى العرب؟
there are, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than sixteen million Arabs and descendants of Arabs in Brazil, constituting the largest community of Arabs descent outside the Middle East
ما أصل العرب
The Arabic Language and Caucasian Studies
اصل كلمة العرب وتطورها التاريخي
"Egypt and Early Arab Nationalism" in Rashid Kakhlidi, ed