The study came to the conclusions that: first fr mohammed Khelifa kerfa, Khalifa02dz yahoo
fr Bechikh Fatima Zohra, f fr KHALDI EL MAHDI, e

عقوبة جريمة الزنا في قانون العقوبات المصري والجزائري؛ دراسة تقويمية في ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية Penalty of Adultery Offence according to the Egyptian and Algerian Penal Law, an Evaluative Study from an Islamic viewpoint


عقوبات الزنا وكيفية الحذر من الرجوع إليه
The study recommended that the Egyptian and the Algerian Criminal law ought to adopt the death penalty for the married adulterers and whipping and expulsion penalty for the unmarried adulterers in response to what what Islamic Law Shari'a requires
ما هو عقاب الزنا
com AL Awaid Musallam, malawaid du
جريمة الزنا والخلاص من آثاره
To gather the required data, a review of literature was administered
Keywords: penalty of adultery offence, Islamic Law Shari'a , penal law ps Gahmousse Nawel, gamyam49 yahoo
The study used the descriptive methodology to reach the targets in question Islamic Law Shari'a imposes the death penalty for the married adulterer and whipping and expulsion penalty for the unmarried adulterer; second, the Egyptian and Algerian Criminal law impose imprisonment penalty for the convicted of adultery offence and this contradicts what Islamic Law Shari'a necessitates

دعوة الحق

Abstract The study aimed at evaluating the penalty of adultery offence according to Egyptian and Algerian Criminal law in the light of Islamic Law Shari'a.

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عقوبة في القوانين العربية... للنساء فقط

عقوبة الزنا عند الله في الدنيا والآخرة.. وكيف نواجه شهوة الزنا ؟


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عقوبة الزنا عند الله في الدنيا والآخرة.. وكيف نواجه شهوة الزنا ؟
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