if they have to pass by what is vain, they pass by like dignified people For him a society in which the ears are never immune from abusive language, back-biting, slander; lying, dirty songs and indecent talk is a source of torture and agony
This attitude has been described in Al-Furqan XXV : 72, thus: " " This is indeed one of the outstanding characteristics of the Believer

والذين هم عن اللغو معرضون

Melayu - Basmeih : Dan mereka yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan perkataan yang siasia;• therein you will not hear anything vain or useless.

الإعراض عن اللغو
nor can he endure dirty jokes and fun
ما هو اللغو
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na wanapo sikia upuuzi hujitenga nao na husema Sisi tuna vitendo vyetu na nyinyi mna vitendo vyenu Salamun Alaikum Amani juu yenu Sisi hatutaki kujibizana na wajinga• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : dan orangorang yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan perkataan yang tiada berguna•
لفظ اللغو في القرآن الكريم
English - Sahih International : And when they hear ill speech they turn away from it and say "For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds Peace will be upon you; we seek not the ignorant"• The Believers pay no heed to such useless things and they show no inclination or interest for them
Spanish - Cortes : que evitan el vaniloquio• Somali - Abduh : Oo ah kuwa Hadalka Macno Darro ka Jeedsada• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan apabila mereka mendengar perkataan yang tidak bermanfaat mereka berpaling daripadanya dan mereka berkata "Bagi kami amalamal kami dan bagimu amalamalmu kesejahteraan atas dirimu kami tidak ingin bergaul dengan orangorang jahil"• Somali - Abduh : Markay Maqlaan hadal Macno Darrana way ka Jeedsadaan waxayna Dhahaan Annagu Camalkanaga yaan leenahay idinna Camalkiinna Waad Salaamantihiin ma Rabno Jaahiliin Waddadooda• Besides this, the Believer is a person who possesses a right thinking mind, pure nature and fine taste: he has no inclination to indecent things: he can talk useful and healthy things but cannot indulge in idle talk: he has a fine taste of humour, but is not given to jesting, joking, ridicule, etc
Just as the student knows and feels that each moment of the limited time at his disposal is important and decisive for his future life, and is not inclined to waste it, so the Believer also spends each moment of his life on works which are useful and productive in their ultimate results 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 当他们听到恶言的时候,立即退避,他们说:我们有我们的行为,你们有你们的行为。 If by chance they see such things being indulged in, they keep away and avoid them scrupulously, or treat them with utmost indifference

اللغو.. تعريفه.. وحكمه

中国语文 - Ma Jian : 他们是远离谬论的,• For hitn time is not something to be killed but used profitably and productively.

والذين هم عن اللغو معرضون
Italiano - Piccardo : che evitano il vaniloquio• He is a person who feels the burden of responsibility at all times; he regards the world as a place of test, and the life as the limited time allowed for the test
معنى اللغو
لفظ اللغو في القرآن الكريم
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na ambao hujiepusha na mambo ya upuuzi• " maksudnya tidak mau berteman dengan mereka