Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah May peace be upon him as saying: He who believes in Allah and in the last day should honour his guest; he who believes in Allah and in the last day should not harm his neighbor; he who believes in Allah and in the last day should speak good or keep silence 94 AH or 104 AH] Medina Quraish, B
238 AH] 'Asqalan Ally B

معنى خيرًا أو في الحديث؟


Qaala Rasul Allah (saw)
الدرر السنية

أحاديث متفرقة


قول الخير أفضل من الصمت
معنى خيرًا أو في الحديث؟
Qaala Rasul Allah (saw)

Qaala Rasul Allah (saw)


قول الخير أفضل من الصمت
قول الخير أفضل من الصمت
أحاديث متفرقة