Sarah Kelly, Louise Hartley, Emma Loveman 24-8-2017 , , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 8 Gang Tang, Duan Wang, Jun Long And Others 1-3-2015 , , The American journal of cardiology, Issue 5, Folder 115, Page 625-629
Risk of allergy to food proteins in topical medicinal agents and cosmetics Allergy to ingested cereals in atopic children

ما هو الشوفان ومواده الفعالة

Oat sensitization in children with atopic dermatitis: prevalence, risks and associated factors.

طريقة تحضير الشوفان للرضع بعدة نكهات
Nutritional advantages of oats and opportunities for its processing as value added foods-a review
فوائد الشوفان للرضع
Oats, more than just a whole grain: an introduction
فوائد الشوفان للرضع في الشهر الرابع والسادس
Quaker Oats Company Obtenido el
Paula Tighe, Garry Duthie, Nicholas Vaughan And Others 10-2010 , , The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Issue 4, Folder 92, Page 733—740 Candida Rebello, Yi-Fang Chu, William Johnson And Others 28-5-2014 , , Nutrition Journal, Folder 13, Page 49
Paul Terry, Jesper Lagergren, Weimin Ye And Others 2-2001 , , Gastroenterology, Issue 2, Folder 120, Page 387-391 Marilyn Bull, Frank Greer, Jennifer Lowry And Others 1-11-2014 , , the Official Newsmagazine of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Issue 11, Folder 35, Page 13

الشوفان وصحة الأطفال

10-2011 , , Nutrition, Issue 10, Folder 27, Page 1008-1016.

فوائد وأضرار الشوفان
Valle-Jones 21-10-1985 , , Current medical research and opinion, Issue 10, Folder 9, Page 716-720
تعرف على أفضل وصفات الشوفان للرضع
A scientific review of the health benefits of oats
أضرار الشوفان للرضع
The gut microbiota and cardiovascular health benefits: A focus on wholegrain oats