The teeth that fall immediately grow new teeth Shark Attacks Shark Attack, They are human predators by sharks
The ability of sharks to jump up to sixty-two meters for the prey Unexplained incidents: Human beings have no role in these attacks, but sharks prey on humans

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Shark Skills Sharks have the ability to determine the amount of fat in prey from the first bite.

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Prefer to prey on the seal because of fats in its body
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Shark Shark is a species of fish that lives in seas and oceans and is classified as predatory and non-predatory
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The skin of the shark is rough, because there are some small teeth that grow on the skin
It is noteworthy that despite the vulnerability of human attacks sharks, but do not prefer him as food
The shark is characterized by waking up all his life from birth to his death, because his body lacks air bags that stimulate breathing Shark breathes through passing the water into its stomach, then into the nostrils to complete the breathing process and it happens during swimming in the water and moving

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Sharks have five gill plates.

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Information about sharks The White Shark, the Bull Shark, the Tiger Shark, and the Oceanic Shark are among the most dangerous shark species in the world
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Types of s hark attacks are divided into: Incited incidents: Where he provokes the shark by trying to catch them so that its attack in self-defense
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This attack does not occur to humans unless the sharks lost their alternatives in getting food, they prey on the human and make him a meal to full its hunger
The types of sharks differ in terms of behavior, food, habits, size, and body They have swimming bags that allow them to dive and swim and keep their balance inside the water, preventing it from diving to the bottom or drowning
The mouth of the shark has teeth that can not be depleted, as their growth continueslly

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